Minggu, 07 Juni 2015

Tugas Softskill

Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was Jack, and he lived with his mother on a common. They were very poor, and the old woman got her living by spinning, but Jack was so lazy that he would do nothing but bask in the sun in the hot weather, and sit by the corner of the hearth in the winter-time. So they called him Lazy Jack. His mother could not get him to do anything for her, and at last told him, one Monday, that if he did not begin to work for his porridge she would turn him out to get his living as he could.
This roused Jack, and he went out and hired himself for the next day to a neighbouring farmer for a penny; but as he was coming home, never having had any money before, he lost it in passing over a brook. "You stupid boy," said his mother, "you should have put it in your pocket." "I’ll do so another time," replied Jack. On Wednesday, Jack went out again and hired himself to a cow-keeper, who gave him a jar of milk for his day’s work. Jack took the jar and put it into the large pocket of his jacket, spilling it all, long before he got home. "Dear me!" said the old woman; "you should have carried it on your head." "I’ll do so another time," said Jack. So on Thursday, Jack hired himself again to a farmer, who agreed to give him a cream cheese for his services. In the evening Jack took the cheese, and went home with it on his head. By the time he got home the cheese was all spoilt, part of it being lost, and part matted with his hair. "You stupid lout," said his mother, "you should have carried it very carefully in your hands." "I’ll do so another time," replied Jack.
On Friday, Lazy Jack again went out, and hired himself to a baker, who would give him nothing for his work but a large tom-cat. Jack took the cat, and began carrying it very carefully in his hands, but in a short time pussy scratched him so much that he was compelled to let it go. When he got home, his mother said to him, "You silly fellow, you should have tied it with a string, and dragged it along after you." "I’ll do so another time," said Jack. So on Saturday, Jack hired himself to a butcher, who rewarded him by the handsome present of a shoulder of mutton. Jack took the mutton, tied it to a string, and trailed it along after him in the dirt, so that by the time he had got home the meat was completely spoilt. His mother was this time quite out of patience with him, for the next day was Sunday, and she was obliged to make do with cabbage for her dinner. "You ninney-hammer," said she to her son; "you should have carried it on your shoulder." "I’ll do so another time," replied Jack.
On the next Monday, Lazy Jack went once more, and hired himself to a cattle-keeper, who gave him a donkey for his trouble. Jack found it hard to hoist the donkey on his shoulders, but at last he did it, and began walking slowly home with his prize. Now it happened that in the course of his journey there lived a rich man with his only daughter, a beautiful girl, but deaf and dumb. Now she had never laughed in her life, and the doctors said she would never speak till somebody made her laugh.
This young lady happened to be looking out of the window when Jack was passing with the donkey on his shoulders, with the legs sticking up in the air, and the sight was so comical and strange that she burst out into a great fit of laughter, and immediately recovered her speech and hearing. Her father was overjoyed, and fulfilled his promise by marrying her to Lazy Jack, who was thus made a rich gentleman. They lived in a large house, and Jack’s mother lived with them in great happiness until she died.

Jumat, 08 Mei 2015



ESWL is a solution to overcome
Urinary tract stones using
shock waves (shock ware) without
perform an operation / surgery.

Image result for ESWL
Image result for ESWL
ESWL advantages:
- No injuries

- Reaction minimal pain
- The period of rapid recovery
- Can the Outpatient

Selasa, 31 Maret 2015


1.      Simple Present Tense is the one which we use when an action is happening right now, or when it happens regularly (or unceasingly, which is why it’s sometimes calledpresent indefinite). Examples :
a.       He gets money easily
b.      Anita makes a cup of coffee
2.      Simple Past Tense is usedto talk about finished actions that happened at a specific time in the past. Examples :
a.       Rio played a game
b.      Fio offered a product
3.      Simple Future Tense is usedto refer to action that will take place after the act of speaking or writing. Examples :
a.       They will tell you about the story
b.      He will come if you call her
4.      Pronoun is a word that replaces a noun in a sentence. Pronoun are used so that our language is not cumbersome with the same nouns being repeated over and over in a paragraph. Example :
a.       They
b.      Mine
5.      Singular Noun is a noun that refers to only one person, one place, one thing, orone idea. Example :
a.       Tomato
b.      Potato
6.      Plural Noun is a word that indicates that there is more than one person, animal, place, thing, or idea. Examples :
a.       Tomatoes
b.      potatoes


Hi .. I want to tell you about my family. My name is Rega Romi. I am 24 years old. Usually I called Romi, so my family called me. I have two older brothers and one younger brother. My first s brother named Defrih. He worked in Jakarta. And the second brother named Fikri, he lives with me. While my younger brother named Ilham. He’s study at Junior High School. He’s funny and smart. Usually her called Iam.
Now, I'm still learning in Gunadarma University, faculty of economy last semester. After arrived home, I sleep, eat and learn. I have a wonderful mother. She was a single parent. My mother was very concerned with his children. My mom liked cooking. Usually my mom cook a traditional food.
My younger brother plan for his collage. He is want to be a pilot. I hope he is reach his dream. For my younger brother,the test UN succeses I hope all of them will be success. My family is the best family I have.
My younger brother can play football very good. Because he is always exercise for this hobby. And my second brother, he love music. Every night my family watching favorite show. This year, I and all my brother will be a succeses person. I love my family.
NB  : Subject (Blue)
         Verbs (Yellow)
          Complement (Red)
          Modifiers (Green)

Jumat, 09 Januari 2015

amal ba'du

@america resmi didirikan  tanggal 2 Desember 2010 dengan suatu tujuan mengenalkan negara Amerika Serikat melalui diskusi, pertunjukan budaya, debat, kompetsi, dan pameran. @amerika ini berlokasi di pusat Central Business District Sudirman, lantai 3 Pasific Place Mall, Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Kebayoran Baru. Yang dibuka setiap hari jam 13.00 – 21.00 dan biaya masuk gratis.

@america yaitu salah satu pusat kebudayaan abad ke-21 yang pertama kali di dunia yang dibangun dengan teknologi canggih di mana kita dapat menjelajahi dan mengeksploriasi Amerika Serikat serta mengungkapkan pikiran dan gagasan tentang Amerika. Di @america kita bisa menemui beberapa teknologi tinggi dan belajar lebih banyak tentang Amerika Serikat. Melalui banyak diskusi, webchat, pertunjukan budaya, debat, kompetisi, dan pameran, kita dapat mengalami yang terbaik dari Amerika, seperti idealismenya, kreativitas, dan keanekaragaman dan lain sebagainya.
Di @america setiap pengunjung bisa mengakses berbagai informasi melalui layar sentuh berukuran lebar, penggunaan ipad dan jaringan wifi, panggung pertunjukan dengan layar presentasi, layar live tweeting, dan mesin Google Earth ukuran raksasa yang disebut Liquid Galaxy yang memungkinkan pengunjung mengeksplorasi seisi bumi, antariksa, hingga kedalaman laut.
@america banyak memberikan dampak positif untuk masyarakat Indonesia khususnya bagi para pelajar dan komunitas dari segala institusi yang berbeda. Di @america semua yang bernuansa musik  Indonesia dapat dieksplor disana, dari mulai tarian tradisional, nyanyian tradisional, musik tradisional, seni pertunjukkan tradisional dan lain-lain. Sehingga dengan dieksplornya kebudayaan Indonesia maka kebudayaan – kebudayaan indonesia dapat dikenal oleh penduduk Negara Amerika itu sendiri serta sebagai wadah bagi kami masyarakat Indonesia untuk mengaprisiasi dan melestarikan kebudayaan Indonesia di mata dunia.
Layanan yang tersedia :
·         Tanya jawab tatap muka tanpa perjanjian terlebih dahulu,
·         Bantuan dalam menentukan lembaga pendidikan mana yang cocok,
·         Evaluasi resume,
·         Meninjau esai pendaftaran masuk,
·         Informasi tentang ujian masuk dan tes standarisasi,
·         Bantuan dalam mencari informasi beasiswa.
Menurut @america ada lima langkah untuk mengejar pendidikan anda di Amerika Serikat :
1)      Riset.
       Cari lembaga pendidikan yang cocok untuk anda.
2)      Aplikasi.
     Rencanakan jauh-jauh hari, tulis esai yang baik,dan pastikan setiap bagian dari  aplikasi anda lengkap.
3)      Keuangan.
       Mulailah perencanaan keuangan anda sejak awal.
4)      Visa.
       Siapkan semua dokumen dan pelajari proses dan persyaratan visa.
5)      Mengemas barang.
      Pelajari peraturan dan tata tertibnya, ikut orientasi pembekalan, kumpulkan semua dokumen dan mulailah petualangan anda.

foto-foto saat kunjungan :